The Artists Formerly Known as Lamas back at MAINSTAGE in 2025

28 June 2024
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The alert fan has probably already heard: after the extensive celebration of 20 years of The Artists Formerly Known as Lamas, it is time to look ahead again! With their tour 'TAFKAL: Stapelgek, op elkaar!' the men will return to MAINSTAGE Brabanthallen in Den Bosch on Friday, September 5, 2025. Don’t miss out! Tickets can be purchased from today in the ticket shop.


TAFKAL: Stapelgek, op elkaar!

A limited number of shows, 'but an unlimited evening of enjoyment' (Ruben Nicolai), 'grand performances with an unpredictable character' (Patrick Lodiers), 'I'll be there too!' (Jeroen van Koningsbrugge), 'call back later a quote, I'm in an illegal Chinese gambling house and my battery is almost de..' (Ruben van der Meer) and 'I haven't called anyone yet, what are the dates again?' (Tijl Beckand). A new era requires a new approach, including new forms of play. But what remains is the collective insult of all minorities and majorities, cracking but topical jokes and of course the necessary classics will not be missing. The show Stapelgek, op elkaar! is an event, a transcendent total experience in which the art of improvisation will be practiced at the highest level. The five men will flame, score and rise above themselves. 'And it could always be the last time' (company doctor Dr. L van Dinteren).

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About Tafkal

At the end of June 2004, the television landscape was enriched with the improvisation program The Lamas. This made TV history. Between 2004 and 2008, millions of people watched something completely new: everything was invented and played on the spot. After 83 episodes, the Lamas called it a day. Meanwhile, Ruben Nicolai, Jeroen van Koningsbrugge, Tijl Beckand, Ruben van der Meer and Patrick Lodiers had also conquered the theaters and said goodbye by performing for 65,000 visitors in six cities. More than half a million DVDs were sold in those years. The crowning achievement was winning the Golden Televizierring and a nomination for the Golden Rose of Montreux. Between 2008 and 2017, the Lamas no longer performed and focused on their individual careers. However, blood is thicker than water; In 2017 they made their comeback in the Ziggo Dome with four shows and did so again in 2019. In 2022, the Lamas continued as Tafkal, with two sold-out theater tours and two Ziggo Dome to their name. They also switched to Videoland, where Tafkal has now been shown for two seasons.

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